Frequently Asked Questions

Though each case is unique, there are some questions we get more often than others. We’ve tried to gather these in one convenient place for you to use as needed.

How does StressLess Car get paid?

In most cases, StressLess Car is paid from the dealerships’ advertising account. This is true if you are working within our network of dealerships. If we end up doing work outside our network, there is a fee of $400. 

If the dealership is paying you, doesn't that mean you work for them?

No. Every customer who has ever worked with me has quickly learned that I work for them. The process I put together helps them get the vehicle they want.

Why do you work with the dealerships you work with?

There is no loyalty to the name on the building. Our allegiance lies inside, with the people we do business with and because of how they conduct themselves.

What is the value in paying for StressLess Car’s services?

Our value is measured in a number of ways. The most apparent is our knowledge of how to structure everything at the dealership. We ask the right questions and are able to tell what is truth and fiction when we get an answer back. Moving seamlessly from one dealership to another, knowing how to put you in the best situation is our job.

Could I just do this myself?

Possibly. What we offer through StressLess Car is a situation that will save you time, money, frustration and you will have all of your questions answered. 

Can I refer you to a friend or family member?

Absolutely! This is how our business was built.

The person who referred me said you do not charge, is that true?

Yes, that is true, as long as there is someone to bill. If there are continuous phone calls that result in not getting a car but use up our time there will be a fee. We do our best not to charge the customer but cannot allow our time to be monopolized. The first call is always free and is limited to about 15 minutes. If it appears you are just looking for consultation and have no plans of using our services, then there is a $200 charge per consultation.

Would you charge me if I do not end up buying a car?

Do we expect every single person to buy a car? Quite the contrary, in fact, we believe that if it is not in the best interest of the customer we will advise them that now is not the ideal time to buy a vehicle due to any number of factors. In this case, there is no charge.

Do you help with any car?

StressLess Car will help you search for both new and pre-owned makes and models. Pre-owned models need to be within the last 5 years. If you are looking for a less expensive pre-owned vehicle, we have a list you can join and you can see what’s available on our Facebook page here.

Is is better to lease or buy my new vehicle?

There is no cookie-cutter way to answer this question. Each customer has their own needs. When you take advantage of StressLess Car’s services we will give you all of the information you will need and help you make the best decision based on what works for your situation. 

What if I am interested in different car manufacturers?

In a landscape filled with an abundance of car options and considerations, my steady presence ensures that you will navigate the process confidently, making an informed decision. No matter the vehicle manufacturer or model, as an attentive auto-buyer, I am a constant throughout your entire car-buying journey.

If you find yourself currently sitting with a lot of questions, take our online course. The StressLess Car online course is a paid service but if you end up continuing to use our services for the buying and selling of your vehicle, the cost of the course will be refunded to you. If you are returning a lease, it is a great time saver! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter because we conduct routine Q&A’s multiple times a month to make sure all those questions are answered. The convenience is being able to go through the course at your leisure, on your time within your busy schedule.

If you still have questions, please reach out to us!

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